Flotation wastewater treatment
The DAF — Dissolved Air Flotation method is widely used in the treatment of highly contaminated wastewater, incl. oil-containing effluents, industrial effluents from industrial enterprises in the food industry, woodworking and pulp processing industries, etc.
Pressurized effluents entering the flotation machine are saturated with air bubbles. Flotation complexes formed by bubbles and contaminants «adhered» to them float up and pass into the flotation scum layer. Some of the contaminants precipitate. The cleaning efficiency for such contaminants as oil products, fats, suspended solids reaches 98%, for BOD and COD — up to 80%.

- To intensify the process, wastewater is pre-treated with reagents — flocculants and coagulants.
- The laminar separator section complements flotation cleaning with thin layer settling.
- Flotopen is subject to dehydration and subsequent disposal.
Advantages of the flotation method
Compact flotation plants and high specific load.
Possibility of treatment of highly polluted effluents of a wide range of origin.
Wastewater treatment in cases where mechanical cleaning is ineffective and biological treatment is not possible.
High and stable degree of purification in a wide range of concentration changes.
Maximum degree of process automation.
Cleaning and post-treatment of wastewater on pressure-type filters
Pressure filtration is used in treatment flowsheets both as the main treatment area and as a additional treatment of effluents previously clarified by mechanical, physicochemical, flotation or biological methods.
The main purpose of filtration is to remove suspended dispersed particles, as well as various pollutants. A variety of types of pressure filters and their loads — mechanical, sorption, etc. — allows you to organize multi-stage treatment or post-treatment of wastewater and obtain the required pollution standard at the output.
Filtration of wastewater under pressure in closed housings makes it possible to intensify the process, and periodic water or water-air washing restores the filtering or sorbing capacity of the load.

Features and benefits of pressure-type filtration
The possibility of multi-stage treatment depending on the quality of wastewater.
Economic post-treatment of wastewater after physico-chemical or biological treatment.
Universality of application for various types of treatment facilities.
Possibility of use as the main treatment method (for lightly polluted effluents).
Maximum degree of process automation.
Can be used in conjunction with precipitating or oxidizing agents.