Products & Technologies

PLANA treatment facilities are designed in accordance with the technical standards of industrial, oil and gas and energy enterprises and are operated in the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia and the Far North.

Domestic / mixed

PlanaOS-B PlanaOS-B
Sewage treatment plant for biological treatment with a production building.
Q = 600…3000 m3/day and more.
PlanaOS-B-Block PlanaOS-B-Block
Block-modular stations for biological treatment of closed type.
Q = 10…600 m3/day.
PlanaOS-B-M PlanaOS-B-М
Biological treatment plants for indoor installation.
Q = 10…150 m3/day.
PlanaPoint-A PlanaPoint-A
Automated liquid waste receiving stations.
Q = 50…250 m3/h.

Storm, oily and
industrial waste water

PlanaOS-P PlanaOS-P
Local treatment facilities in an industrial building.
Q = 10…50 l/s and more.
PlanaOS-P-Flo PlanaOS-P-Flo
Installations for flotation and filtration treatment of industrial and oil-containing effluents.
Q = 1…15 l/s.
PlanaOS-L-Block PlanaOS-L-Block
Block installations for the treatment of stormwater.
Q = 1…15 l/s.
PlanaPoint-A PlanaOS-R
Installations of circulating industrial water supply.
Q = 1…10 m3/h.

Potable water supply
and firefighting

Plana-VP-M PlanaVP
Water treatment facilities of household water supply.
Q = 10…100 m3/h.
PlanaVP-Block PlanaVP-Block
Block-modular drinking water treatment plants.
Q = 1…25 m3/h.
PlanaNS-F PlanaNS-F
Fire extinguishing pumping stations.
Q = 100…500 m3/hour or more.

Pumping, waste water
and water storage

Plana-NS-V PlanaNS-V
Mobile water intake devices.
Pumping stations of water supply of the 1st and 2nd lifting.
Plana-NS-K PlanaNS-К
Sewage pumping stations for untreated and treated wastewater.
PlanaRN PlanaRN
Waste water tanks. Reservoirs for household water supply.
V = 5…150 m3


+7 (343) 287-40-91

