
PlanaPoint-A automated, turn-key liquid waste receiving stations

Reception of septic/fecal effluents from sewage disposal vacuum machines.
The capacity is 50…250 m3/hour or more.
Block-modular version «North».

Features and benefits of PlanaPoint-A stations:

  • Factory ready unit for installation
  • Authorization system and access control
  • Accounting for accepted waste and subscriber base
  • Pre-cleaning of effluents
  • Dilution of accepted effluents
  • Online quality control

PlanaOS-B PlanaOS-B-Block SPS

The receiving station is made taking into account the individual requirements of the Customer and can be made with one or more receiving paths. The complete set of the operator’s station and the sanitary and hygienic unit increases the convenience of operating the municipal receiving point.

Automated, turn-key septage receiving station

* An example of a layout solution for a drain station with a dedicated service unit

Receiving and draining stations PlanaPoint-A are made in the format of block modules on a supporting frame. Depending on the performance, PlanaPoint stations may have one or more process units. The stations are designed for operation at low negative temperatures and are equipped with reinforced insulation, heating of intake pipes, a powerful supply and exhaust ventilation system with heating of incoming air and heating of valves.
It is possible to supply a block septage receiving station for placement in the Customer’s premises.

Structural design Block-modular, maximum factory readiness
Climatic version UHL, HL1
The material of the main structures Steel 09G2S
Enclosing structures Three-layer sandwich panels 150…250 mm
Process tanks and trays Stainless steel
Technological pipelines PVC/PP /stainless steel
Performance 50…250 m3/day and more (according to accepted drains)
Number of receiving nodes 1, 2 and more (for multi-block stations)
Preliminary mechanical cleaning Bar screen / crusher
Accounting of received effluents Flow meter
Authorization of subscribers Access by cards or electronic key
Diversion of accepted drains Gravity or pressure
Removal of trapped garbage Mobile container
Automation LSU based on a programmable logic controller
Interfaces with the Customer’s automated control system RS 485 / Modbus RTU / Ethernet / Modbus TCP
Quality control of accepted drains Online measurement of pH, suspected solids,, electrical conductivity
Additional Automatic sampler with temperature control

PlanaPoint drain station for receiving and diluting imported waste water.

1. Block-box (monoblock) of the drain station (optionally with a sanitary and hygienic module)
2. Complete set of block box:

— quick coupling type BRS/CamLock;
— drain (receiving) path with a receiving branch pipe and a gate valve;
— tract of discharge of accepted effluents;
— water supply path for dilution;
— block-box drainage system;
— unit for coarse mechanical cleaning or shredding of garbage;
— knot compaction of the caught debris;
— flow meter for accounting of received wastewater on the discharge path;
— water meter for dilution;
— a hose for washing vehicles, with a nozzle;
— a hose for washing technological equipment, with a nozzle;
— mobile solid waste container for caught garbage;
— lighting system (main, emergency, repair, outdoor);
— system of insulation and heating of the receiving unit;
— block-box heating system (electrical or customer’s coolant);
— ventilation system (forced, exhaust);
— an input cabinet (NKU) with an e/energy metering device;
— electric cabinet for engineering and auxiliary systems;
— automation and drive control cabinet;
— remote authorization of subscribers, external, vandal-proof;
— AWP for registration and registration of subscribers;
— equipment of the bathroom (sink, shower room, toilet bowl, storage electric water heater);
— sensor-alarm gas contamination (dangerous gases);
— system of digital video surveillance and registration;
— a set of spare parts and accessories for the warranty period of operation;
— passport and technical and operational documentation.

3. Optional equipment:

— block of filters to neutralize unpleasant odors (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan);
— a block of sensors for online quality control of wastewater;
— automatic sampler.

4. Additional equipment:

— an external recessed tank with a mixing system and a pump unit for pressure discharge of received effluents into a collector or treatment plant.

5. Consumables and tools for commissioning and commissioning.
6. Spare parts and accessories for the warranty period of operation.
7. Assembly and installation and technical and operational documentation.
8. Declarations / certificates of conformity of the manufacturer, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Services provided by PLAN Engineering Group LLC:

— development of design and technical and operational documentation;
— transportation to the place of installation;
— supervision services for installation;
— commissioning services;
— participation in acceptance tests for commissioning of pilot industrial operation;
— staff training.

*) The contents are given as an example for a monoblock station.

The cost is determined by us in relation to your project, facility and wastewater quality.

Upon your request, we will provide a technical passport, a technological solution, a dimensional solution, bindings and loads, a commercial offer for the supply and provision of services.

Request an offer

Examples of implementations and projects
